Calico Basin

Following our trip to the hot springs, some of our Orange County friends stayed over for a second day of hiking. We added one of our local hiking friends to the group and headed for Calico Basin, just outside of Red Rock. We had discovered this hike a week earlier and Patty showed her feminine side with a strong recollection of the stripes and polka dots that line the canyon. Bob's recollection was more along the lines of the rock scrambles. Any way we looked at it, however, it was worth showing to the out-of-towners.

The trail begins in a wide red valley and winds past the uncompleted construction site of a house that was reportedly being built by a local Mafia kingpin before he was found "swimming with the fishes". From there the trail crosses a saddle and descends through a beautiful slickrock trough into the next canyon. Throughout our hike the predominant color was RED.

At the end of the trough there is a 10 foot drop through a crack. What may have looked intimidating from the top turned out to be as easy as climbing down a ladder. As we progressed through the canyon, our friend, Ben, tried to run down the steep slope on one side and up the opposite bank. He made it halfway! A bit farther along in the canyon we came to a pretty scary looking drop. But as usual, group dynamics got everybody down. We have a classic photo of Patty telling Joan "it's really not bad".